We play by the rules when following and understanding the current Bulgarian and international regulations. This also means that we can help you leverage the business climate’s strengths and minimize its weaknesses in favour of your entity.
The completion of an accounting period is not a result. The true effect is in achieving excellence in your day-to-day financial activities that will create savings in time, managerial efforts and of course, money.
The brand Accounting Services Bulgaria was established in 2013 as a successor
to E and G Account Ltd, a company developing activity in the market of
accounting, HR and HR services since 1999. The brand unites these and two
other companies under the same management and expands its activity on the
international market. See what our clients are saying about us and why they rate
us as the best accounting firm on the market.
Accounting Services
Accounting and Payroll
Focus on the really important aspects of your Bulgarian business and simply leave all the paperwork to us.
Tax Service
Go beyond the advertised 10% income tax in Bulgaria. Learn how to get the most of the tax system for both corporate and individual income.
Corporate Finance
Comprehensive solutions when it comes to restructuring your business, raising capital, attracting parters or performing due-diligence.
Business Consulting
Use our knowledge to improve your managerial decisions. We can help you act better if you are in uncertain environment or during turbulent times.
Company Registration
Save yourself the bureaucratic and legal hurdles to incorporate and register a new firm in Bulgaria.
Tax Advice
Achieve tax savings and get professional legal protection in all possible tax matters. You are no longer alone in coping with the tax system and all its challenges.
Legal Consulting
Stay up-to-date and receive professional advice on specific regulatory requirements concerning your activities.
Get top-notch audit and assurance services, consistent with current Bulgarian and international regulations.
Our mission is to save our clients time, effort and resources and become their trusted partners in all matters related to accounting and business services.
We achieve this goal by providing a wide range of professional services aimed at the needs and interests of our clients and helping them overcome possible difficulties.
In the difficult global conditions of a pandemic, we support our clients (foreign and Bulgarian businessmen and investors) to start and develop their economic activities in and outside Bulgaria.
На 03.07.2023 г. „АКАУНТИНГ СЪРВИСИЗ БЪЛГАРИЯ“ ЕООД сключи договор BG-RRP-3.005-1360-C01 за предоставяне на безвъзмездна финансова помощ по Програмата за икономическа трансформация към Националния план за възстановяване и устойчивост по процедура чрез подбор BG-RRP-3.005 „Решения в областта на информационните и комуникационни технологии и киберсигурността в малките и средните предприятия”.
Целта на процедурата е да допринесе за ускоряване на прехода към цифровизация на икономиката чрез предоставяне на безвъзмездни средства за внедряване на информационни и комуникационни технологии и решения, осигуряващи повишаване нивото на дигитализация на малките и средните предприятия (МСП).
Целта на проекта е „Изграждане на система за архивиране на информацията“, която ще осигури повишаване нивото на дигитализация на компанията.
Общата стойност на проекта е в размер на 17 500 лв., от които 100% са безвъзмездно европейско финансиране по линия на Механизма за възстановяване и устойчивост.
Изпълнението на проекта ще протече на няколко етапа:
- Избор на изпълнител
- Изграждане и интегриране на инвестицията, предмет на проекта.
Начална дата на изпълнение на инвестицията: 03.07.2023г.
Крайна дата на изпълнение на инвестицията 03.07.2024г.